+31 313 47 19 98 | info@wigersma-sikkema.com
+31 313 47 19 98 | info@wigersma-sikkema.com

EWB chooses PLEXOR®

Energie Wasser Bern (EWB) in Bern, Switzerland has decided to use PLEXOR® for the functional inspection of their gas pressure regulating stations. Main reasons that PLEXOR® was chosen are the high precision of the inspection results, measurement data generation, operator independence and the reporting capability.

Mathias Hostettler, Director Net Security states: “the versatility of the PLEXOR® inspection system allows us to perform detailed trend analysis and get operator independent inspection results. This is necessary to set-up Condition Based Maintenance of our gas network”.

Jan Sietsma, Sales Director at Wigersma & Sikkema adds: “we are very happy to add EWB to our continuously growing customer network. With choosing the PLEXOR® system EWB takes inspection and maintenance to the next level”.

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